2nd Street Swing on Sundays!

7pm-8pm Lesson
8pm Social/Practice Dance

NO Partner or Experience Needed!

*our social dances have a no aerials policy*
All Lessons Held at 1613 Star Batt Dr. Rochester, Hills MI 48309

Ask to Join our Facebook Group to Stay in the Know!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/289272384930076


Do I need a partner?

  • NO! You do not need a partner to take the lesson or participate in the social dance. Our lessons will rotate so that you get to dance with multiple partners. We encourage you to meet new people!

What do I wear?

  • We are open at 2nd Street Swing to all types of clothing from casual to dressy. The main thing is that you are comfortable enough to move! To keep our dance floors safe please to NOT wear dance shoes that you wore outside in the rain, snow, or mud. Bring a clean pair with you to change into once you come inside. Check out more clothing info in our Do's and Don'ts section below!

Are there age restrictions?

  • Swing dance is a great way to get exercise, socialize, and have fun for adults of any age! Tween and teenage dancers need to be mature enough to handle taking a group lesson and dancing with adults. We will host some totally family friendly open dances for all ages.

What exactly is swing dancing and what styles do you teach?

  • East Coast Swing uses a basic 6-count step pattern and was created by a group of dance instructors in the 1940s to provide a swing dance that was easy to learn for any level dancer. It continued to be popular through the beginnings of the Rock n' Roll era. Each Beginner’s Crash Course will be in this style. Our progressive lessons will be exploring East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Charleston, and more!

Social Dance Dos and Don'ts

Personal Hygiene

  • DO- Shower, wear deodorant, and brush your teeth

  • DO- Bring multiple shirts and/or a towel if you have a tendency to sweat

  • DO- Wash your hands

  • DON'T- Wear heavy perfumes or scents

What to Wear

  • DO- Wear what makes you comfortable that you can move in

  • DO- Test that your clothes are "dance friendly" before wearing them (example #1 check that those cute strapless, halter, or spaghetti strap tops don't move around and cause a wardrobe malfunction, example #2 see if you need to wear shorts or leggings under those twirly skirts)

  • DO- Wear shoes that are comfortable with a slightly slippery sole so that you are able to turn easily

  • DON'T- Wear shoes that you wore outside in the rain, snow, and mud onto the dance floor (so bring your "dancing shoes" with you to put on once inside)

  • DON'T- Wear sandals with no backs

  • DON'T- Wear tall, spiky heels as they could really hurt if you accidentally stepped on someone

Asking Someone to Dance

  • DO- Ask people to dance regardless of your or their skill level, gender, or age

  • DO- Ask both your friends, and new people to dance, as you may make a new friend

  • DON'T- Be offended if someone tells you no, as there are many reasons they may not be available to dance at that time

While on the Dance Floor

  • DO- Pay attention to your surroundings in order to not run into other couples

  • DO- Apologize if something went wrong (stepped on partner, etc.)

  • DO- Thank your partner for the dance

  • DO- Walk around the outside perimeter to get from one place to another instead of the middle of the dance floor

  • DON'T- Bring your partner in close if you are unsure they are comfortable with it

  • DON'T- Teach your partner while dancing unless they have asked you to

2nd Street Studio of Dance is a Safe Space

Entering the Dance Assumes That You Have Read the Following and Agree to Comply


Waiver of Liability and Photo Release

All dancing activities involve some degree of risk of strain or bodily injury.  2nd Street Studio of Dance will not be held liable for injuries and is not responsible for stolen personal property.  Photos and/or videos of this event may be used for advertising purposes in print or on social media.  You agree to allow photos and/or videos to be used in this manner without compensation.

Zero Tolerance for Bullying, Harassment, or Inappropriate Behavior

Harassment, bullying, and inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. If you are being made to feel uncomfortable please talk to one of the event organizers or volunteers.  Our dance is meant as a family friendly venue and not a nightclub.  Event attendees who exhibit such behavior may be asked to leave.

No Aerials Policy

Safety is an extremely important issue. Aerials can be very dangerous not only for the couple performing the aerial if something goes wrong, but could also injure a nearby couple.  You will find most social dances have this rule as a safety precaution.  After a verbal warning if aerials continue to be performed, attendees may be asked to leave.

Attendees Under Age 18

All attendees under the age of 18 must either be registered students of 2nd Street Studio of Dance,  have their parents sign in with them, or have their parents provide a waiver of liability form before participating. 

No Drugs or Alcohol

There are to be no drugs or alcohol brought into the dance space.  Anyone found to be bringing these will be asked to leave.